Still homeless, still in a shelter, and I still seem to be an enigma to professional career counselors, social workers, and disability lawyers; They just don’t know what to do with me, and can’t figure out how to help, or how I could be in any way useful in a way that would allow me to cover even my most modest living expenses (I’ve been to over 50 of these professionals in the last year and a half). In the unlikely event that anyone is interested, I *do* have a small wishlist at Amazon. Strangely, when I reorder it, the add date gets changed, but most of these items have been on the list for over a year… Most have brief descriptions on how the item would be useful. Still homeless, with limited space, and limited access to power. Still can’t be in front of a screen for long. Mostly, the things on this list would allow me to keep busy and continue learning.

This article has 2 comments

  1. John Jacob

    I’m curious to hear your story about how you ended up in this situation.

    What were you doing for work before you became homeless?

    Do you have family who can take you in while you get back on your feet?

    Is there any medication besides MMJ that helps with your health issues? If there was something that could keep the seizures under control that would surely help your job prospects, but I don’t know what kind of medication is available for that. Special prescription glasses maybe?

    Sorry if this is too personal, I’m just curious how folks end up in situations like this.

    • admin

      You wouldn’t believe how much random spam I get on these comment pages, I was absolutely astonished to see an actual response from what appears to be a real person. 😂 I’m happy to talk with you about my situation, how I got here, and how I’m struggling to get out. However, it’s probably a bit long to go into here (as you can see, I haven’t posted here for quite some time), but, if you’re still interested, you can contact me more conveniently by using the following email:


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